Proven Stake Pool since ITN
We have been a Top 20 Pool during the Cardano Testnet with an avg. of 12%
in Rewards. Join us now & enjoy 100% Rewards (for now)
2 Relays in Germany & USA
In order to guarantee you the highest Rewards our Pools consists of 2 Relays & 1 Core Node
100% Secure
You will always be in 100% control of your money if you save it on Daedalus Desktop App
0% Fees - 100% Rewards
While other Pool Operators charge you a high fee up to 10% we keep our fees low for now. We want you to be happy with our service before we think about charging anyone.
Made in Germany
Our servers & software are maintained in Germany. We guarantee a high throughput and block production
English & German
If you have questions, just join one of our Social Media Channels and feel free to ask anything. We speak German & English
Our Goal is to supoort the Cardano Community and help to grow the system. High decentralisation of Cardano & Support will increase the value of each ada token.
How To Join our Zeitgeist Pool
Download Daedalus Wallet for PC or Mac
Here you find the most common questions Delegators have about Cardano Staking Pools
Pledge is the amount of ADA a stake pool has guaranteed to keep in its account. It’s a way of proving to the delegators that the stake pool is serious and has ‘skin in the game’. It also has a small influence in the rewards a pool will pay. The factor is – however – very small. You need around 5-10m of ADA pledged, before you can start to feel the effects. You should be aware of pools with a low pledge, as it indicates a low dedication. Our Zeitgeist Pool has a pledge of 111.000 ADA each.
Yes! Zeitgeist Pool is being operated in a very professional manner, and is running on a mix of bare metal and cloud servers. There are multiple backup servers standing by, ready to take over automatically, in case the main servers go down for any reason. The servers have UPS backup power and multiple internet connections, so they keep running even if the power or internet is interrupted. The setup is highly secure, and uses a high number of relay nodes to make sure it’s well connected with the Cardano network.The servers are monitored 24/7, and are highly automated. This means that what ever happens, the Zeitgeist Pools will always be online and making their blocks on schedule. This is how the great performance and consistent high rewards are delivered to the delegators.

NO! You will remain with your current pool for another 2 Epochs and get rewards from them and then seemlessly switch over to the Zeitgeist Pool
Our Simple
Straight-Forward Fee Structure
100% Rewards for our Delegators
Stakers Love Our Pool!
I re-delegated to the Zeitgeist Pool because these guys are really helpful - cant be happier with my rewards so far

Nice Application
Alissa Peterson
I wasnt happy with my current pool and Rob is such a nice guy who helps to grow the Cardano community. Also 0% fee is really enticing 😉

Great Support
Anna Clarck
Got to know Rob during a congress meeting - He told me about Cardano and after doing my research I delegated to his teams pool. Great experience.

Awesome Features
Olindra Gotham
Awesome Pool with 0% Fees - Gotta love Cardano for easy delegation and making money without working for it. The Zeitgeist Pool has delivered so far

Fast & Furious
Michael Anderson
We need more Pools like Zeitgeist. Great Team and easy money 🙂

Gorgeous Design
Tema Osborn
I have never in my life been disappointet by something "Made in Germany" - This is also true for the Zeitgeist Pool

Life Changer
James Cameroon
Stake with Zeistgeistpool
Find us on Daedalus, Yoroi or Yoroi Mobile Wallet under the Ticker: "Zeit"